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Christ College

Dean: Dr. David W. Loy

Purpose Statement

Grounded in Scripture and the Lutheran Confessions, Christ College cultivates students to know God in Christ for lives of service to church and world.

Bachelor of Arts Degrees


Master of Arts Degrees

Director: Dr. Joel Oesch


Ministry Programs

Director of Ministerial Formation: Dr. David Loy

Certification for The Lutheran Church— Missouri Synod

Christ College guides students interested in receiving certification for ministerial vocations in The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod (LCMS).

LCMS students pursuing such certification must apply for admission into a Christ College program, complete the academic requirements of the respective minor, and maintain a 2.5 cumulative grade point average (GPA) in all course work and a 2.8 cumulative GPA in required certification courses. Students must receive at least a C- in courses required for LCMS certification (including professional minor and/or major). Those students successfully completing all requirements will receive a certificate along with a commemorative medallion from Christ College and will be considered for recommendation by the faculty for certification by the LCMS or for admission into an LCMS seminary

  • program (LCMS Pastoral Ministry Certification)

    Director: Dr. Glenn Fluegge

The Cross-cultural Ministry Center (CMC), a partnership between Concordia University Irvine and Concordia Seminary St. Louis, oversees the preparation, training, and formation of candidates for pastoral ministry in The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod (LCMS). The CMC specializes in forming missionary pastors to launch and develop culture-crossing ministries. Students who successfully complete all requirements receive a master of arts degree (MA) in theology and certification for ordination as general ministry pastors in the LCMS.

  • program

    Director: Prof. Rebecca Duport

  • program

    Director: Rev. Steve Zank

  • program

    Director: Rev. Quinton Anderson

  • program

    Director: Rev. Quinton Anderson

  • Lutheran Teaching Programs

    Director: Dr. Cari Chittick

Lutheran teaching programs prepare students for teaching in Lutheran schools, either in special education or at the elementary or secondary level. Those who want to teach at the elementary level or in special education (TK through age 22) are best prepared by taking the Liberal Studies major. Future high school teachers will major in a state-approved single subject content area. Students in Lutheran teaching programs complete the requirements for a California teaching credential (see information under School of Education) along with the courses in the Lutheran Teaching minor. Student teaching assignments will include both public and Lutheran school settings. These students will then be certified, called, and commissioned within The Lutheran Church— Missouri Synod (LCMS) to teach in Lutheran schools and hold a Lutheran Teaching Certificate.

While the majority of courses in this program are education-focused, students are encouraged to seek ways to integrate faith throughout the curriculum they will teach. Students who have a heart for Jesus and a passion for the teaching ministry are guided to serve God by being servant leaders in their classrooms, at the congregational level, and beyond.

For program specifics, please see the School of Education section.

All students in the program are required to meet annually with the program director to discuss their personal, professional, intellectual, and spiritual growth for Lutheran Teaching Ministry.

Center for Church Leadership

Director: Dr. Jonathan Ruehs

The Center for Church Leadership will equip ministry leaders by forming young Christians personally, spiritually, theologically, and ministerially for ministry leadership, equipping students with adaptive ministry skills for effective service in a changing context, and working collaboratively with a broad range of Christian churches to have a greater impact for the kingdom of God.

  • Children, Youth, and Family Ministry

  • Christian Education

  • Church Music

  • Ministry Leadership

  • Pre-Seminary Studies

  • Worship Arts Leadership


Director: Dr. Jonathan Ruehs

Concordia University Irvine partners with the Concordia University Educational Network (CUENet) to offer an online program of instruction for teachers who have completed a bachelor’s degree and who wish to become commissioned ministers of The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod (LCMS). Those who are interested in being commissioned as Directors of Christian Education (DCE) or Directors of Parish Music (DPM) will work individually with the particular program director for certification. For a more complete description of the colloquy program and information regarding admission to the program, please contact the program director.

Placement Assistance

Director: Dr. Cari Chittick

Concordia University Irvine provides placement assistance to Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod (LCMS) church career candidates in conjunction with the Concordia University System (CUS) in St. Louis, MO. Services include maintenance of a candidate information file (sometimes called a “placement” file), which is sent to calling bodies upon request of the calling body. While these services are often referred to as “placement” services, no guarantees are expressed or implied that Concordia will find employment for candidates, and Concordia does not assume responsibility for finding such employment. All candidates are responsible for providing and submitting the necessary paperwork for their information file to the Placement Office (housed in Christ College) prior to deadlines set forth by that office.